Civic educators told to be non-partisan

GICUMBI – Members of the Sector civic education steering committees have been urged to exercise integrity and self respect when carrying out their duties. The National Electoral Commission (NEC) Commissioner in-charge of Gicumbi and Rulindo districts, Charles Uyisenga, made the call yesterday during a one day workshop in Gicumbi district.

Monday, March 29, 2010

GICUMBI – Members of the Sector civic education steering committees have been urged to exercise integrity and self respect when carrying out their duties. 

The National Electoral Commission (NEC) Commissioner in-charge of Gicumbi and Rulindo districts, Charles Uyisenga, made the call yesterday during a one day workshop in Gicumbi district.

The workshop was intended to sensitise participants on their role of carrying out civic education. "As civic educators, you should avoid all forms of divisionism during the course of carrying out your duties,” said Uyisenga, adding that the civic educators should be non-partisan.

The Gicumbi district vice Mayor for Economic Affairs, Ildephonse Butera, called on the participants to sensitise residents on their right to vote. "Voting is their right to attain true democracy, good governance and economic development,” said Butera. 

On his part, the district official in-charge of civic education, Pierre Célestin Byigero advised the members to sensitise residents on the dangers of listening to what he called harmful propaganda spread by negative elements.

"You should update residents on current news regarding the presidential elections, by working hand in hand with NEC officials to avoid negative elements spreading harmful propaganda to residents,” said Byigero.
