Religious leaders have a big role

Editor, President Paul Kagame is right to challenge religious leaders to put the interests of their flock before their own, if they are to live up to the biblical character of the ‘good shepherd’. The President gave the advice while officiating at the consecration ceremony of Rev. Dr Laurent Mbanda, as a Coadjutor Bishop of Shyira Diocese replacing the retiring Bishop John Rucyahana, who has been at the helm of the Diocese since 1997.

Monday, March 29, 2010


President Paul Kagame is right to challenge religious leaders to put the interests of their flock before their own, if they are to live up to the biblical character of the ‘good shepherd’.

The President gave the advice while officiating at the consecration ceremony of Rev. Dr Laurent Mbanda, as a Coadjutor Bishop of Shyira Diocese replacing the retiring Bishop John Rucyahana, who has been at the helm of the Diocese since 1997.

Religious leaders have a responsibility to their flock. Sadly we are hearing a lot of horror stories about priest misconduct in the West and other stories here in Rwandan about financial mismanagement. This kind of conduct doesn’t do anyone any good.

We need our religious leaders to be men and women of exemplary behavior. We, here in Rwanda, know what can happen when the religious leaders make the wrong choices. In fact, some of the worst massacres during the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi happened in places of worship.

It is with this background that I request all the religious leaders, Christian and Moslem, to take care of their flock during the upcoming Genocide Memorial Week. They are needed as never before.

Judith Mutesi