57 year-old Genocide suspect gets 30 years

WESTERN PROVINCE RUSIZI — A Gacaca court in Gashirabwoba cell, Giheke sector last week sentenced a Genocide suspect Alloys Mujyabwami alias Biniga, 57, to 30 years in jail over Genocide charges.

Monday, December 17, 2007


RUSIZI — A Gacaca court in Gashirabwoba cell, Giheke sector last week sentenced a Genocide suspect Alloys Mujyabwami alias Biniga, 57, to 30 years in jail over Genocide charges.

The court found Mujyabwami guilty of masterminding the massacres in Gashirabwoba area and the whole former Cyangugu prefecture.

Several witnesses and survivors testified against him during the trial.

"We have found you guilty of participating in the killing of several Tutsis in Rusizi, Nyamasheke and Karongi Districts during 1994 Genocide, so you deserve to be in prison for 30 years,” David Kamanzi, the court president read the verdict in a packed gacaca session.

Mujyabwami is also accused of having supplied machetes, pangs and guns to Interahmwe and EX-FAR at Gatandara and staged road blocks in the area and other parts of former Cyangugu prefecture during the massacres.

However, Mujyabwami denied all the charges saying that he did not participate in the Genocide.

Court had earlier last month sentenced Mujyabwami to seven years in jail on related charges of Genocide denial after he made public statements contradicting the occurrence of the 1994 Genocide, saying there was no Genocide especially in the former Cyangugu region.

Mujyabwami, who holds a Belgian passport, was recently arrested at Goma airport in North Kivu province of the Democratic Republic of Congo on his arrival from Belgium where he fled after Genocide.
