Make the right choice for development

Editor, Thank you for publishing this letter. I want to tell the people of Rwanda that we join you in remembering your beloved ones who were killed during the madness of 1994.The 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi was an African tragedy which must never be allowed to happen again.

Monday, March 29, 2010


Thank you for publishing this letter. I want to tell the people of Rwanda that we join you in remembering your beloved ones who were killed during the madness of 1994.
The 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi was an African tragedy which must never be allowed to happen again.

I have had an opportunity to read and research about the Genocide and concluded that President Paul Kagame should be allowed more time to continue with the re-building process that he started in 1994 after the Genocide.

As I write from Zimbabwe I wish to take this opportunity to urge the people of Rwanda to take full advantage of the good leadership of President Kagame and the RPF to enhance themselves through education.

The people of Rwanda should not take for granted the peace and the development that the country is enjoying today. It is through the selfless efforts of the RPF leadership.

This is the time for national healing, reconciliation and national development. You have a beautiful country. Guard the peace and development you are enjoying by retaining the leadership of President Kagame.

Kelvin Jakachira