TZ delegation impressed by motorcycle taxi operations

An eight-man delegation comprising of three Deputy Ministers and five business leaders from Tanzania, yesterday met with the management of the Motorcycle Taxi Association, ASSETAMORWA, to learn and share experiences about the motorcycle taxi business.

Saturday, March 27, 2010
Rwandau2019s motorists have both social security fund and a health insurance, RAMA.

An eight-man delegation comprising of three Deputy Ministers and five business leaders from Tanzania, yesterday met with the management of the Motorcycle Taxi Association, ASSETAMORWA, to learn and share experiences about the motorcycle taxi business.

The Tanzanian Deputy Minister of Labour, Dr. Milton M. Mahanga, who headed the delegation, said that Rwanda’s management style of cooperatives offers its members the opportunity to maximize profits, something that’s not done in Tanzania.

"We want to use such methods to also enable motorcyclists in Tanzania profit from their work in an organized manner,” Mahanga said.

He added that they are in the country to learn ways on how members can access pensions.

Rwanda’s motorists have both social security and health insurance cover. All members have life insurances and their motorcycles also insured, which Mahanga, said is the best way to manage them.

"We are going to apply this in our country which will also help us reduce crime,” he said.

Dieudonne Nteziyaremye, the President of ASSETAMORWA, said that this partnership will help them enhance better services in both countries and curb down the crime rate and motorcycle theft.

There are currently about 8,000 motorcycles in the country, with 3,000 operating in Kigali City. ASSETAMORWA has also started sensitizing women, encouraging them to join the motorcycle taxi business since the management helps them get motorcycles and work while servicing the loan.
