Science teachers to showcase skills

21 science tutors in secondary schools will today exhibit their knowledge and skills at a reporting session aimed at improving the quality of science education in the country.The session, organised by JICA in partnership with the Ministry of Education, will be a follow up to the teachers’ Technical Training Program that they under went in 2009 in Japan, Malaysia, Kenya and Zambia.

Friday, March 26, 2010

21 science tutors in secondary schools will today exhibit their knowledge and skills at a reporting session aimed at improving the quality of science education in the country.

The session, organised by JICA in partnership with the Ministry of Education, will be a follow up to the teachers’ Technical Training Program that they under went in 2009 in Japan, Malaysia, Kenya and Zambia.

According to JICA’s communication’s officer, Kayo Yamada, the teachers and staff will share their findings, lessons learnt and best practices that they gained from the training with other teachers. 

"The groups will also present how to improve teaching methods and teacher training as well as how education training management can be enhanced and facilitated in Rwanda.”

During the extensive knowledge-sharing session, Yamada said they will also provide education policy makers with specific recommendations for regular in-service training.

The teachers underwent several courses that included; In-service Training Management for Anglophone Countries in Africa, Strengthening of  Local Education for Strengthening of Mathematics and Science Education in Western, Eastern, Central and Southern Africa (SMASE-WECSA) for Sub-Saharan Africa and Secondary Science and Mathematics Teacher Educators Training for African Countries.
