Kenyans are in solidarity with Rwandans

Editor, It is soon again that time of the year when commemoration of the horrible events of 1994 begins.  I simply wish to convey my encouragement to all Rwandans and to remind them that, here in Kenya, we shall also reflect on, pray for your loved ones that were lost during the dark days of April.

Friday, March 26, 2010


It is soon again that time of the year when commemoration of the horrible events of 1994 begins.  I simply wish to convey my encouragement to all Rwandans and to remind them that, here in Kenya, we shall also reflect on, pray for your loved ones that were lost during the dark days of April.

We shall also pray that Never Again should such a horror ever be visited upon your nation nor upon any other.

Have the courage and conviction, Rwanda, that indeed "The Lord is our Shepherd, there is nothing that we shall want...”

Tom Marrinka
Nairobi, Kenya