Kudos NUR for new courses

Editor, Now that the Cabinet meeting chaired by the President has given the National University of Rwanda (NUR) the green light to offer seven post-graduate courses, I’m sure that many Rwandans will use the opportunity to get their post-graduate degrees in courses as diverse as Masters of Arts in Development Studies, Msc. Accountancy Program, Masters in Peace and Conflict Resolution and MSc. Business Management.

Friday, March 26, 2010
National University of Rwanda graduates. More post-graduate courses have been introduced.


Now that the Cabinet meeting chaired by the President has given the National University of Rwanda (NUR) the green light to offer seven post-graduate courses, I’m sure that many Rwandans will use the opportunity to get their post-graduate degrees in courses as diverse as Masters of Arts in Development Studies, Msc. Accountancy Program, Masters in Peace and Conflict Resolution and MSc. Business Management.

The others include Master’s degree program in Genocide studies, Msc. in Applied Mathematics, Post Graduate program in Geo-information Systems and Post Graduate program in Biodiversity Conservation.

With courses as diverse as these, Rwanda’s pool of talent will increase quite dramatically. In fact, I encourage all those recent undergraduates to apply for post graduate degrees.

Instead of sitting around and hoping for jobs, go back to school and get more skills. That way, you will be more marketable.

Collin Haguma