More roads please Minifra

Editor, The Minister for Infrastructure; Vincent Karega recently said that at least 35 percent of tarmac roads nationwide need to be renovated  and he’s absolutely right. I live in Kimihurura, and the road that leads to the residential area is atrocious.

Friday, March 26, 2010
KCC should do something about the potholes in Kimihurura.


The Minister for Infrastructure; Vincent Karega recently said that at least 35 percent of tarmac roads nationwide need to be renovated  and he’s absolutely right. I live in Kimihurura, and the road that leads to the residential area is atrocious.

Every end of month, a communal Umuganda fills in the potholes, but barely two days pass before the potholes are even deeper. I wonder what the relevant authorities are waiting for. Do they want the road to become totally unusable before they fix it?

I’m appealing to the Kigali City Council and the Ministry of Infrastructure to do something. It has become risky to be a pedestrian along this road because we are getting dirty water splashed on us. Especially now that rain showers have begun.

Frustrated Pedestrian