Residents reap big from Ubudehe

GISAGARA – Residents of Rugayantete village, Nyanza sector in Gisagara district, have commended the poverty eradication programme of Ubudehe, saying it has contributed enormously in improving their living standards.  The 105 residents who are grouped under an Ubudehe association have been able to generate over Rwf10million out of Rwf0.6million support they received from government two years ago. 

Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Sixbert Barigora, a member of the association infront of his kraal. (Photo: J.P Bucyensenge)

GISAGARA – Residents of Rugayantete village, Nyanza sector in Gisagara district, have commended the poverty eradication programme of Ubudehe, saying it has contributed enormously in improving their living standards. 

The 105 residents who are grouped under an Ubudehe association have been able to generate over Rwf10million out of Rwf0.6million support they received from government two years ago. 

"We started by planting pineapples and after which we diversified into coffee. Then we started livestock husbandry- the progress is amazing,” said Alexis Barigora, the president of Ubudehe Association in the village. 

"We have also been able to pay for the community health insurance for each of our members for the last two years.”
Residents have also embraced new farming methods to boost food production.

"We have established kitchen gardens in order to improve food crops production, especially vegetables,” said Marie Agnes Nibategejo. 

Children have been able to get milk and their health has greatly improved. Deficiencies like kwashiorkor are a thing of the past, according to the residents. 

Jean Bosco Uwimana, the Executive Secretary of Nyanza sector, attributed the residents’ success to the unity of purpose that characterised them during the implementation of their development initiatives. 

"They managed to come together and work as a team; they have achieved a lot as an association. When people are united, they can do wonders,” said Uwimana.
