Howto: How to make Candles domestically

A good number of people have a passion for candles. Candles are utilized every single day by quite a few people for numerous various purposes.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

A good number of people have a passion for candles. Candles are utilized every single day by quite a few people for numerous various purposes.

A good few of us think of candles when the electric supply goes off, we put them on birthday cakes and we will often utilize them to add a fresh scent to our home.

Candles can set the mood for awesome event or a relaxing bubble bath. There are so many nifty things to do with candles. But, if you have ever purchased candles before, you know that they may be very expensive indeed.

And you normally get what you pay for which means that the cheap products are not worth the trouble of buying them.

Since the cheapest candles are not good and better candles can cost too much money, you might be wondering if a person may have any different alternative. You can always produce your own candles.

Producing your own ones is not quite as hard as you may believe. Having the information on how to do it and getting few materials makes you own personal your hand made wax candles in no time.

Before you get under way, you are going to need to go to an art supplies shop to buy some materials for your simple home project. The good news is that the supplies are simple and wont cost much.

All you want is some special paraffin wax and a selection of candle wicks. Then you will also need colorings and scents of your choice.

You also want a special double boiler, a wooden spoon and a stove. A thermometer will also help you know whether water has the right temperature to produce candles.

Stages of candle making

• Now that you have found ingredients, you are definitely prepared to start out. Get some wax and smash it up into small parts. Warm water in the double boiler (sauce pan) and then add it with the crushed wax.

• Utilize your thermometer to measure the temperatures and be confident that the wax gets boiled up to 160 degrees.

• Stir the candle maker wax and add your color of your choice little at a time until you achieve the target or your desired colour.

• Now you can add the scent if you are going to make use of one. Be sure that wax stays in right or correct temperature while you’re doing the mixing and the adding’s.

• Cut your candle making wicks to the length you want and then commence dipping the candle wick into the hot wax. Pull the wick out and allow it to cool. Carry on dipping and cooling until your candle is the length you want.

• Carry on this process until you dip for the very last time and let the candle cool down as required.

• When your candle has totally cooled, you can cut away any unwanted wick and your candle is now ready to get used.

How to make votive candles

Votive (huge) candles are among the quickest and easiest candles to make, but they can also have a great impact in your home décor. A collection of warm, welcoming votives can serve as a simple centerpiece or decorate your fireplace mantle.

Votive candles are considered "molded" candles because the hot wax is poured into a mold and allowed to cool before the finished candle is placed in a votive cup.

The only equipment needed to make votive candles is some kind of double boiler, wax, wicks, wick tabs and votive molds, as well as any coloring or fragrance additives you might like to use.

Put a couple of inches of water in the bottom pot, and then add the top pot or pitcher. You can use your stovetop burners to melt wax, but if you’re prone to crafty messes it would make sense to invest in a hot plate.

Then you can cover your whole work surface with newspaper or cardboard (large cardboard cutting mats designed for sewing projects are great for this purpose, and you can cut your wax on it too) and pick the mess up when you’re done.

The wax sold in craft stores is perfect for making votive candles, and you should also be able to find either pre-tabbed wicks made especially for votive candles or lengths of wick you can cut and tab yourself.

The tab is important because it helps the wick stand up straight in the mold. There are special types of wick made especially for the small size and long burning time required of votive candles (such as the 36-24-24 "P" wick), but you aren’t likely to find these specialty types locally unless you happen to live near a candle supply store.

Whatever type of wick is available where you shop will work fine for votives. Look for wicks that are pre-waxed, as this also helps the wick stand straight.

A zinc-cored wick can also be used; these will stand very straight but may be harder to find and will not completely burn away as the candle is used.

If you buy a quantity of wick that needs to be cut down to votive size, hold the wick beside the mold and cut it (with scissors or wire cutters if you’re using zinc-core wick) an inch or two taller than the mold.

This will allow you to adjust the wick after the wax has been poured. Wick tabs are small metal pieces (usually square) with a hole in the middle through which you can thread the wick and then press the edges of the hole together to keep the wick in place. Straighten the wick as much as possible before placing it in the mold.

Using a craft knife or reclaimed kitchen knife, cut a piece of wax off the block. Aim for around half a pound of wax, but know that it is always better to have more melted wax than you need than not enough.

Never overfill your melting vessel and never leave it unattended while wax is melting. Should a fire occur, cover the melting pot with a lid and turn off the heat.

Of course you can make plain white, unscented votive candles, but the sky is the limit in terms of colors and fragrances. Votives are fun because they allow you to experiment on a small scale.

You can find many color bricks and fragrance additives at your local craft shop. Both types of product are very intense just a small amount of color or a few drops of fragrance can make a big difference.

Each candle is a learning experience. You may want to keep track of how much of these additives you use in each batch so you can discover the color and fragrance combination that you like best.

Votive candles are a simple, sophisticated and cheap addition to your home; they make great gifts and are even better to keep for yourself. Let your imagination run wild and color your home with candles.
