“The Service Magazine” launches today

“The Service Mag”, a free local quarterly magazine that is published in English, French and Kinyarwanda will be launched today at Kigali Serena hotel. The magazine, which was initiated by Shei & Enz Consulting, aims at sensitizing Rwandans on the importance of good service delivery.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

"The Service Mag”, a free local quarterly magazine that is published in English, French and Kinyarwanda will be launched today at Kigali Serena hotel.

The magazine, which was initiated by Shei & Enz Consulting, aims at sensitizing Rwandans on the importance of good service delivery.

It targets all service providers in Rwanda including taxi drivers, hoteliers, hospitals, bankers, ministries and all other service outlets. 

The launching ceremony is expected to be presided over by top government officials and other CEOs from the service providing companies.

Sandra Idossou, Managing Partner, Shei & Enz Consulting said that they are interested in many service providing companies partnering with them on this innovative project.

"We would want the magazine to be associated to service providing companies and we are striving at achieving outstanding customer service,” she said
