Police unveils agenda for 10th anniversary

The Rwanda National Police have unveiled a detailed agenda of activities to be celebrate ten years of the force’s existence slated to take place in June this year. The activities, which will include the Police Week, were announced yesterday morning by Commissioner General of Police, Emmanuel Gasana, during a breakfast meeting between police and their partners in the private sector.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Commissioner General of Police, Emmanuel Gasana, talks to UTEXRWA Boss, Raj Rajendran (C) and the Chairman of the Private Sector Federation Robert Bayigamba yesterday(J Mbanda

The Rwanda National Police have unveiled a detailed agenda of activities to be celebrate ten years of the force’s existence slated to take place in June this year.

The activities, which will include the Police Week, were announced yesterday morning by Commissioner General of Police, Emmanuel Gasana, during a breakfast meeting between police and their partners in the private sector.

"Part of this function is re-emphasizing the partnership of the police and the private sector to jointly achieve the grand strategy of our country,” said Gasana.

He added; "the celebrations will start next month and run up to June; and during that period, we will hold a number of activities including drawing a strategic plan for the next ten years”.

The Chairperson of the organizing committee, Chief Supt. Celestin Twahirwa, said that the Police will be celebrating its achievements since inception and demonstrating its capabilities to maintain law and order in the country.

Police intend to bring all its partners and stakeholders on board during the celebrations, Twahirwa said.

The celebrations are expected to cost about Rwf 216m which will be spent on several activities including the road safety campaign, community policing, environmental protection week and fighting gender based violence.

Other activities include conducting school campaigns, sporting events and competitions, exhibition of police activities and achievements, a national conference and the official celebration day.

"The official celebrations will be held on June 2; all planned activities are in line with the Police constitutional mandate and will contribute to the overall goal of national development,” said Twahirwa.

The Rwanda National Police which falls under the Ministry of Internal security was established in June 2000 replacing what was then called Genermerie National and the Communal Police.
