Son kills father, dumps body in river

GISAGARA – Police in Nyanza sector, Gisagara district, are holding a 27-year old man who allegedly killed his father and dumped his body in Akanyaru River. Leonard Nyandwi, 27, who was arrested last week, allegedly stabbed to death Jean Nkundiye, 67, last Wednesday.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Murder suspect Leonard Nyandwi at the Nyanza Police Post. (Photo: J.P Bucyensenge)

GISAGARA – Police in Nyanza sector, Gisagara district, are holding a 27-year old man who allegedly killed his father and dumped his body in Akanyaru River.  

Leonard Nyandwi, 27, who was arrested last week, allegedly stabbed to death Jean Nkundiye, 67, last Wednesday.

The incident took place in Maheresho village, Nyaruteja cell. By press time, efforts to retrieve the body from water were still futile. According to Police, Nyandwi was found hiding in the ceiling of his house.

Speaking from Nyanza Police Station, the suspect admitted to the murder, claiming that he acted under the influence of alcohol. 

"I was really angry because he refused to clear my school fees to enable me get a certificate. Four years have passed without me having it and I could not get a job. I conceived the idea of killing him while taking banana beer [Urwagwa],” he narrated.

"I bought a knife, went to his home and I stabbed him to death.” The suspect adds that he owed Kinazi Secondary School where he completed his A level in 2006, over Rwf 200,000. 

Nyandwi, who sustained wounds in his face and chest during the incident, added that after committing the murder, he wrapped the deceased body in a bed cover and proceeded to dump it in the river. 

"I deserve punishment because I know that what I did is inhuman,” he said, appealing for forgiveness from his family and Rwandans. 

However, other sources said the suspect could have killed his father over property, an allegation he denied.  

Residents said that Nyandwi, could have been pushed to commit the murder by his mother, who separated with the deceased and that they were involved in a long standing land wrangle.

Sources say prosecution has taken the matter before court.  "After separating with Nkundiye, the woman tried to incite children against their father,” said Innocent Habanabashaka, an area resident.

Meanwhile, the Executive Secretary of Nyanza cell, Jean Bosco Uwimana, confirmed that the deceased had reported to authorities that his life was under threat.
