Clubs welcome Bralirwa sponsorship

TOP flight clubs have saluted the new sponsorship deal between the National football federation (Ferwafa) and brewing company Bralirwa. Last week, Ferwafa and Bralirwa signed a three year partnership deal that will see the beer and soft drink maker sinking Rwf 335m in the national league now referred to as Primus National Football League.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Rayonu2019s SG Olivier Gakwaya

TOP flight clubs have saluted the new sponsorship deal between the National football federation (Ferwafa) and brewing company Bralirwa.

Last week, Ferwafa and Bralirwa signed a three year partnership deal that will see the beer and soft drink maker sinking Rwf 335m in the national league now referred to as Primus National Football League.

Times Sport recently took time to speak to various club administrators and this is what they had to say.

Mukura Secretary General Fidele Gakuba whose club’s financial crisis escalated to the point where players refused to train is positive that the money woes in his club may be over.

"We are very happy that there is a new sponsor. The financial burden that we have been having will ease a little bit and we hope to provide more incentive to our players,” said Gakuba.

Rayon Sport’s Olivier Gakwaya also echoed similar sentiments, saying that the club has now been persuaded to look for its own partners.

"Although the (Federation) has not yet told us how much each club will get, this money will go a long way in helping us cope with the financial difficulties we have been facing.
We as a club are also out-sourcing for partners,” said Gakwaya.

Although APR has never had financial difficulties, Adolphe Kalisa, the military side’s Secretary General said that it is not always rosy in the club.

"We are delighted that partners are coming on board. Every club in the league has financial difficulties but we manage ours very well.” Kalisa said.

Atraco Vice President Issa Ngeze had a different view about the sponsorship insisting that the money was too little to be excited about.

"Although they (federation) have not yet told us how much money we shall each get, it will definitely be little, catering for just transport costs.” Ngeze said.

The partnership will cover the reminder of this season as well as the 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 seasons. At the end of each league, a special tournament dubbed ‘Primus Cup’ will be played.
