Editorial: Festive season should offer you chance to shop for your loved ones

As we move towards the Christmas season and end of year, we all need to focus on some aspects of our lives that are in most cases ignored.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

As we move towards the Christmas season and end of year, we all need to focus on some aspects of our lives that are in most cases ignored.

For example if you work and live far away from your loved ones like parents, wife, siblings and other dear friends, this season offers you the opportunity to reconnect with them.

You may be planning to travel up country or to your ancestral home to celebrate the birth of Jesus and also be with your extended family.

For some people, this is a once in a year opportunity. You will meet your old people and for some the entire extended family.

Also for those who never do the traditional thing-travelling upcountry for the festivities, you also have loved ones and other people that are dear to you.

These are people that you have met in your life journey. And in one way or the other they have been there for you in trying times or even in times of joy.

This festive season provides an opportunity to give some token of appreciation to all that have been dear to you in life.

Your parents gave you life, and in most cases are responsible for who you are. Other friends and relatives have also had their role in your life.

So, the honourable thing to do is to go out of your way and shop for them gifts that will in one way or the other express your love and appreciation of having them in your life.

This Sunday we bring you a list of people that may have a place in your life and what you out to shop for them as gifts.

There are a number of things you can give as gifts to different categories of people in your life. Kigali city is well stocked with a great deal of stuff you can shop for your loved ones, be it the young or old like your grand parents.

So step out and do the needful. We wish you a meaningful Christmas shopping spree and great festivities.
