ID registration exercise extended in Gicumbi

GICUMBI –  The registration exercise for the National Identity cards for residents who have attained 16 years and those who missed during the first phase has been extended for two weeks in Gicumbi district, an official said. The exercise started last week with hundreds of residents thronging the district headquarters.  

Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Residents lining up for National ID registration and photographing exercise at Gicumbi distrct site. (Photo: A. Gahene)

GICUMBI –  The registration exercise for the National Identity cards for residents who have attained 16 years and those who missed during the first phase has been extended for two weeks in Gicumbi district, an official said. 

The exercise started last week with hundreds of residents thronging the district headquarters.  

Speaking to The New Times on Monday, the district official in charge of Good governance, Joseph Munyezamu, said a total of 35,000 people who have turned 16 are to be photographed. 

"The district authorities, in partnership with the National Identity card Project have extended the registration and photography because the number of residents qualifying to be issued with the new IDs is quite big”, said Munyezamu.   

The registration exercise is taking place in two sites, at the district head office and Mulindi Cell in Kaniga Sector. 

Registration and photographing officials at the district site said the exercise starts at 7.00 a.m until 6.00 pm, daily.  
Several residents, who were interviewed, however, wondered why they did not receive their IDs in the first phase yet their names and photographs appear on the National Electoral Commission’s voters’ list.

"My names and photographs appear on the voters list, yet the Sector authorities have failed to trace my ID,” said a resident of Nyankenke Sector, Védaste Ngamirabahizi.
