UN delegation demands more action on Genocide prevention

KIGALI - A visiting delegation, comprising the Excutive Board of the UN has called for increased efforts in preventing Genocide from taking place again in any part of the world. The officials, who are in the country on a ten-day visit, were yesterday paying their respects to victims of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsis at the Kigali Memorial Centre.

Monday, March 22, 2010

KIGALI - A visiting delegation, comprising the Excutive Board of the UN has called for increased efforts in preventing Genocide from taking place again in any part of the world.

The officials, who are in the country on a ten-day visit, were yesterday paying their respects to victims of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsis at the Kigali Memorial Centre.

"The UN should play a more active role and not wait until so many people have been killed to take action,” said Agshin Mehdiyev, the Permanent Representative of Azerbaijan to the United Nations.

He said that is important for the young generation to be taken around the memorial sites in the country, just for them to have the real picture of why Genocide should never happen again anywhere in the world.

The Permanent Representative of Sudan to the UN, Magid Yousif Yahya Elhag, said that the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsis should be a concern for all human beings and not viewed like it only concerns Rwandans.

"I have been following the events about this in the international media but the impression I got today is like this happened yesterday,” he said.

For Abderrahim Ould Hadrami, the Permanent Representative of Mauritania to the UN, "The international community should come together to make sure the Genocide doesn’t happen again. What I have witnessed today is a horror that as human beings we regret,”

The officials who form UN’s executive board are scheduled to hold a session today with the UN country team and technical working groups on the One UN reform program. 
Their visit follows a meeting of the Joint Executive Boards on January 18, 2010 where Rwanda presented progress on the Millennium Development Goals and results of UN collaboration.
