Police arrest local brew distillers

NYAGATARE – Police in Gatunda sector, Nyagatare district on Thursday arrested two men in connection with the distilling of a local brew commonly known as Kanyanga. 

Friday, March 19, 2010
The suspects at Gatunda Police Post. (Photo: D. Ngabonziza)

NYAGATARE – Police in Gatunda sector, Nyagatare district on Thursday arrested two men in connection with the distilling of a local brew commonly known as Kanyanga. 

Police said Damian Barazirana and Jean Claude Mbonyurwanda, were nabbed while distilling the illegal brew in Rugabiro cell, Mukama sector.  

‘They were distilling the lethal brew at the time of their  arrest. They attempted to run away but our officers managed to catch them,’ a police official said. 

Speaking to The New Times at Gatunda Police Post, the duo admitted to the offense. 

Police say that the business of brewing the illegal drink has been on the rise in the sectors of Karama and Gatunda bordering Uganda but strong measures have been put in place to curb the vice.
