The Corporate community should invest in sports

Rwanda’s leading beverage manufacturer, Bralirwa, yesterday entered a partnership with local football governing body, FERWAFA. The deal will see Bralirwa inject Rwf 335 million in the national premier league division. For more than three years, the league has been financed by the Government, through the ministry of sports, in addition to the meagre gate collections on match days.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Rwanda’s leading beverage manufacturer, Bralirwa, yesterday entered a partnership with local football governing body, FERWAFA. The deal will see Bralirwa inject Rwf 335 million in the national premier league division.

For more than three years, the league has been financed by the Government, through the ministry of sports, in addition to the meagre gate collections on match days.

While, the league kept going despite the lack of sponsorship, it would have been more vibrant had such sponsorship been available. Football is one of the popular sport in the country, and there is no doubt that by corporate companies associating themselves with the sport, they would be doing themselves pride.

Furthermore, once a sport has sponsorship, it becomes more vibrant and attractive, leading to its development and increased appeal. The youth too, will look towards a future in sport, if it is attractive.

Our sportsmen and women also go beyond our borders and represent the country in regional and international competitions. By sponsoring them, cooperates would be increasing their visibility beyond Rwanda – a perfect ‘win win’ situation.

Other companies should emulate Bralirwa and support the sporting industry in Rwanda. Since the football league has Bralirwa sponsorship for the next three years, other companies can look into other sports which may be limping due to lack of sponsorship.

The responsibility of sports development should not be left to the Government alone.
