African leaders, be better than your predecessors

Editor,The President Kagame was right to question why Africa is always looking back to the olden days. Yes Kwame Nkrumah lived…yes Abel Nasser was great.

Friday, March 19, 2010

The President Kagame was right to question why Africa is always looking back to the olden days. Yes Kwame Nkrumah lived…yes Abel Nasser was great.

Yes, Patrice Lumumba was a hero. Ditto to Samora Machel and Captain Thomas Sankara. But all these leaders passed away. Isn’t it time we got modern day heroes?

How shall the youth of today understand what true leadership qualities are unless they have modern day heroes? It would be a great shame if they wanted to be like Barack Obama instead of a local African leader.

However, maybe it’s not their fault. Maybe modern African leaders haven’t been the types of role models that they should have been.

Maybe it is time African leaders started stepping in the shoes of their illustrious predecessors. That is my sincere wish. If they can, then surely a united Africa is  not far in the horizon.

David Kayumba