US military hail Rwandan peacekeepers

The visiting 15-member military delegation from the US Air Force has commended Rwanda’s contribution to Sudan’s war torn region of Darfur. The delegation, which includes senior and junior officers of the US Air force War College, was meeting with the Rwanda Defence Forces (RDF) Chief of Defence Staff, Gen James Kabareebe at his offices yesterday.

Friday, March 19, 2010
Chief of Defence Staff, Gen. James Kabarebe and the Chief of Air forces Lt. Gen.Charles Muhire with the Head of US military delegation, Gen.Robert Kane yesterday. (Photo J Mbanda)

The visiting 15-member military delegation from the US Air Force has commended Rwanda’s contribution to Sudan’s war torn region of Darfur.

The delegation, which includes senior and junior officers of the US Air force War College, was meeting with the Rwanda Defence Forces (RDF) Chief of Defence Staff, Gen James Kabareebe at his offices yesterday.

"The Rwandan military is playing an important role in protecting the people in Darfur. That is a very huge success story and we want to make more of such success stories in the future,” Lt Colonel Jeff Granger, one of the officers told The New Times shortly after the meeting.

Granger told reporters that their discussions with Gen. Kabareebe centred more on how the delegations can understand how the Rwandan military operates and how to enhance cooperation with it.

The delegation includes twelve students from the Navy, Marine and Air force.

He said that the visit gave the students a perspective on the focus of the Rwandan military and major areas of the country’s development agenda.

"We are here to learn what the future looks like so that when we become the leaders of the air force, we will be able to provide the same strong relationship in the future.” Granger said in reference to the excellent relationship between Rwanda and the US.

During their four-day visit, the officers will among other areas; visit cultural development centres in the country in an effort to learn more about the country and its people.
