Association helping farmers improve production

HUYE – Residents in Maraba sector, Huye district, have commended Urugaga Imbaraga, a local farmers’ association, for its assistance in improving lives of the vulnerable. The association had previously extended various forms of support to poor families in order to fight poverty.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

HUYE – Residents in Maraba sector, Huye district, have commended Urugaga Imbaraga, a local farmers’ association, for its assistance in improving lives of the vulnerable.

The association had previously extended various forms of support to poor families in order to fight poverty.

The association also helps selected families cultivate kitchen gardens in an effort to boost family feeding needs.

"I intend with this support to plant various crops in the garden, including cabbage and other vegetables. This will help me improve our diet and ultimately improve our health,” Dative Mukarukerinka of Shanga cell, said after being helped to cultivate a kitchen garden.

"If I produce over and above my needs, I will sell the surplus and get money to buy other items.”

John Uwihoreye, an official of Urugaga Imbaraga in the district, said that their assistance is aimed at creating model farmers.

"Most farmers in the country have been arguing that their food production is low because of a number of issues such as having small land holdings.But we want to show them that one can produce enough food even when grown on a small piece of land,” Uwihoreye said.
