Health centre accountants trained

NGOMA – Accountants from different health centres in Ngoma district have received training in order to build their capacity. According to the district officials, the training was undertaken in response to reports of poor financial management within the health centres.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

NGOMA – Accountants from different health centres in Ngoma district have received training in order to build their capacity.

According to the district officials, the training was undertaken in response to reports of poor financial management within the health centres.

Closing the workshop on Monday, Gerald Muzungu, the District Executive Secretary, said that the training was timely.

"We made a survey in all district health centres and discovered that they were not handling their books of accounts professionally. The training, therefore,  was meant to equip them with some fundamental skills,” he said.

Emile Mbazamihigo, the district’s Director of Finance, urged the participants to use the acquired knowledge to submit financial reports on time.

"Poor accountability may lead you into problems because ignorance will never be your defence. Use the opportunity of the training to end the irregularities being shown within your health centres,” he said.

The participants said the training would help them improve their work.
