Artists should pay their own way

Editor, While browsing through my favorite daily “The New Times” I was appalled to read an article about how some Rwandan music artistes missed the BOZAR festival in Belgium. The story revealed that Liza, a musician, could not attend because she had to pay for her own plane ticket and accommodation.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


While browsing through my favorite daily "The New Times” I was appalled to read an article about how some Rwandan music artistes missed the BOZAR festival in Belgium.

The story revealed that Liza, a musician, could not attend because she had to pay for her own plane ticket and accommodation.

This is a joke. Any artist who wants to promote themselves should pay their expenses because such world class opportunities do not come everyday.

In Rwanda, it seems there is a growing trend where people, who call themselves artists, look for any free opportunity to travel overseas especially if the event is held in Europe, America or Canada.

Rwandans, stop jumping on the gravy train and promote your art, culture and country through hard work and make us proud. Pay your own way.

John Bosco