Man kills mother over land

NYARUGURU – Residents of Mubuga village, Ruheru Sector in Nyaruguru district have been left in shock by the news of the death of a 58-year old mother who was allegedly strangled by her son. Faustin Twagirayezu, 22, is said to have killed Geraldice Nyiratuza, on Monday night.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

NYARUGURU – Residents of Mubuga village, Ruheru Sector in Nyaruguru district have been left in shock by the news of the death of a 58-year old mother who was allegedly strangled by her son.

Faustin Twagirayezu, 22, is said to have killed Geraldice Nyiratuza, on Monday night.

According to local authorities, neighbours were attracted to the deceased’s house by violent screams only to find her dead.

"People in the neighbourhood and men on night patrol rushed to the deceased’s house after hearing the deceased raising alarm,” said Louise Nyiraminani, the Sector Executive Secretary.

"They found the old woman already dead but managed to arrest the attacker, who is the deceased’s only son.”

The sector official added that the killing could have resulted from a disagreement over a plot of land that Twagirayezu wanted to sell off.

"Twagirayezu disagreed with his mother over a plan to sell off a family plot of land, it is this disagreement that could have led to her death,” said Nyiraminani.

The official said the assailant has had a history of criminal activities in the area- but he always fled to the neighbouring Burundi to evade arrest.

Police in the district, said investigations into the gruesome act are complete and the suspect will be arraigned before court soon.

"Investigations are complete,” said a Police source, "we have handed over the file to Prosecution to continue with court proceedings.”
