Father kills child, injures in-laws

KAMONYI - Police in Kamonyi district are holding a man for allegedly killing his one-year-old daughter last weekend. The incident took place in Musambira sector. Célestin Nzanywayimana, 27, is alleged to have accidentally killed his daughter, Joseline Uwineza, during a fight with his wife, Médiatrice Mukamuganga.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

KAMONYI - Police in Kamonyi district are holding a man for allegedly killing his one-year-old daughter last weekend.
The incident took place in Musambira sector.

Célestin Nzanywayimana, 27, is alleged to have accidentally killed his daughter, Joseline Uwineza, during a fight with his wife, Médiatrice Mukamuganga.

Eye witnesses said Nzanywayimana also stabbed two of his in-laws, who had intervened in the scuffle.
Speaking from the Police station, the suspect confessed to the crime, claiming he acted under the influence of alcohol.
"I was drunk and I’m responsible for my regrettable actions. I have just been told of this sad news as  I was unconscious,” he said.  

Emmanuel Kayiranga, the sector leader  said he condemned the consumption of the local brew by a section of the population, adding that the local leaders should  step up the fight against gender based violence and alcohol abuse.

Residents said that some men in Musambira sector were consuming the illegal local brew and drugs, which are the main causes of domestic violence.
