KCC do something about the mess at the Nyabugogo taxi park

Editor, The Nyabugogo Taxi Park has really gone to the dogs. I think its time that the Kigali City Council (KCC) did something about it. The way it is currently is an eyesore. It shames Kigali.

Monday, March 15, 2010


The Nyabugogo Taxi Park has really gone to the dogs. I think its time that the Kigali City Council (KCC) did something about it. The way it is currently is an eyesore. It shames Kigali.

The Nyabugogo taxi park is really disgusting. Its not a bus terminal where one should go to board a taxi or buy something from the shops within. Please KCC work on the surrounding trenches, the whole place smells terribly.

Sometimes, one feels like KCC has abandoned the park. Yet it is one of the major transport hubs in the country.

Joseph Harerimana