Let us allow no room for Genocide ideologies

There have been consistent reports on Genocide ideologies cropping up especially in secondary schools.

Friday, December 14, 2007

There have been consistent reports on Genocide ideologies cropping up especially in secondary schools.

According to the New Times paper, a school in Gakenke District, Northern Province had  school authorities who introduced uniforms for Genocide survivor students, which were different from those of their fellow students.

This creates a very big gap among students and smooth conversation related to social life is hindered. Another alarming case in point is the report presented to MPs.

This report revealed that some anonymous letters (tracts) were circulated in ACEDI de Mataba, with some carrying such writings as ‘Abatutsi ni inzoka, baraturambiye kandi tuzabica’, literally translated to mean ‘Tutsis are snakes, we are fed up of them and we will kill them.’

Such acts are not human and should absolutely be condemned by all people at all levels and I think the ministry of education has an upper hand in this fight since this ideology is reportedly in schools.

Young people who are in schools are the future leaders of this country and allowing the spread of such ideologies could lead this country back into further troubles. 
