New district Legal Advisor sworn in

KAYONZA - Rodrigue Nzayizera was last week sworn in as the new Kayonza district Notary by the Assistant Attorney General Jacqueline Bakamurera. Bakamurera asked the new Notary to help the district increase its production and the country in general, through offering good services to the people. 

Sunday, March 14, 2010

KAYONZA - Rodrigue Nzayizera was last week sworn in as the new Kayonza district Notary by the Assistant Attorney General Jacqueline Bakamurera.  

Bakamurera asked the new Notary to help the district increase its production and the country in general, through offering good services to the people. 

"Part of your work is to increase production…this can be achieved only when you offer good services. You should however, avoid mistakes that were committed by your predecessors,” she counseled. 

Nzayizera promised to work closely with the district authorities in sorting matters related the law.

"I will do my best to achieve what is required of me, by offering exemplary services to the people. I know it is not easy, but I’m optimistic,” he said. 

Richard Mugisha, a resident of the district said that the appointment of the District Legal Advisor was long over due. 

"We were delayed in some business transactions due to the absence of the Notary…his appointment is great opportunity for us,” he said. 
