Farmers adopt new food preservation techniques

GATSIBO - The Rural Sector Support Project (RSSP), has taught residents of Kiramuluzi sector in Gatsibo district new methods of drying their perishable agricultural products for longer storage capabilities. About 36 cooperatives in the sector have acquired the training. Perishable agricultural products that are being dried include fruits, sweet potatoes, bananas and cassava among others. 

Sunday, March 14, 2010

GATSIBO - The Rural Sector Support Project (RSSP), has taught residents of Kiramuluzi sector in Gatsibo district new methods of drying their perishable agricultural products for longer storage capabilities. 

About 36 cooperatives in the sector have acquired the training. Perishable agricultural products that are being dried include fruits, sweet potatoes, bananas and cassava among others. 

‘This new technology will help us fight poverty and hunger in our society. It will protect our products from price fluctuations during harvesting period,’ Bernadette Upfuyisoni, one of the trainees said.  

The dried products can last for a period of one year without being affected, according to the trainees. 
‘The only problem is getting enough drying machines,’ an attendee observed.  

‘At first residents could harvest perishable commodities in abundance leading to oversupply.But this new technology of drying will cushion us against uncertainities within supply thus ensuring more profits for us,’ another resident said. 

Speaking to The New Times, the Kiramuluzi sector Executive Secretary, Bishop Kihangire, said that the sector is encouraging residents to acquire bank loans to buy more drying machines. 

‘This new technology has effectively helped our residents. During the rainy season, residents have been facing problems of finding markets for their food products.

But this time they will be stocking them until the dry season when there is adequate market,” he said.
