A day in the life of.... : Martin M. Masabo

Martin Masabo is the headmaster of Lycee de Kigali for over ten years. So, how does his day go like? He tells us below: I wake up at 3a.m and tune to different radio stations. This helps me to start the day with an open coverage on local and international news. It is the same time I have breakfast and prepare to drop my children at school.

Saturday, March 13, 2010
Martin M. Masabo

Martin Masabo is the headmaster of Lycee de Kigali for over ten years. So, how does his day go like? He tells us below:

I wake up at 3a.m and tune to different radio stations. This helps me to start the day with an open coverage on local and international news. It is the same time I have breakfast and prepare to drop my children at school.

By a half to 7, I must be heading to work. By 7:30, I conduct the school assembly where various school issues are discussed. It does not take so long and by 8, students are in their respective classes.

I make a check up to monitor if everything is in order. I later get in the office to start on the day’s agenda.

After I am at least done with part of what I have to, I also give time to visitors who may need my services either on appointment or based on the urgency of the issue.

Lunch does not have specific time but is after mid day. I work until 6p.m although many times work in front me dictates when to go home.

Of course as a father, after work I pass some areas to buy certain things or meet people on appointment.
By 8p.m, I will be home to share the evening with my family, listen to radio, watch Rwanda TV and other channels.

I have supper between 9 and 10, but get to bed late although not always basing on the work I have to accomplish.
