Protect Journalists; They are the fourth estate

The recent article about two journalists of the NewTimes who were battered by a corporal arouses a lot of concern about whether the general public knows the role of journalists.

Friday, December 14, 2007

The recent article about two journalists of the NewTimes who were battered by a corporal arouses a lot of concern about whether the general public knows the role of journalists.

Journalists help a lot to unfold the untold stories the public experiences.

On that particular day of the saga, the police officers were on duty and so were the journalists who were covering a story on the unfair treatment of hawkers who were trying to earn a decent living.

Journalists still have a lot to offer to the general public and if not protected, a lot will go unknown.

One cannot imagine that the people who are supposed to protect citizens are the very ones bringing harm to their lives. Besides, the police also need press coverage to update the public on how to avoid crimes among other sensitive issues.

In fact, if all that was said happened, then this corporal deserves a bitter punishment but there is also need for a meeting between the media companies and the entire police to discuss about jurisdictions of journalists and how police can promote them in their work.
