Embark on civic education to uproot the Genocide ideology

I recently followed a parliamentary debate that publicised shocking revelations about the spreading genocide ideology within secondary schools all over the country.

Friday, December 14, 2007

I recently followed a parliamentary debate that publicised shocking revelations about the spreading genocide ideology within secondary schools all over the country.

This shocking situation calls for the attention of various stakeholders to work collectively and find a lasting solution to the problem.

My suggestion as a solution to this is embarking on civic education right from primary schools so that children are enriched with the history of our country and what such ideologies led to throughout the more than thirty years after the independence.

These are the future leaders of this country which further aggravates the problem.

They should be taken through all the stages in which the country passed and the possible solutions that can be adopted to ensure that the country does not go back where it was.

I would like however to use this forum to condemn those parents who instead of instilling in their children developmental ideas, opt to teach them hatred.

The government should keep an iron hand on ensuring that such ideas are uprooted right from household level.

It is good that performance contracts were initiated at family level, it should also serve as a yardstick to measure up the ideology to ensure that it is uprooted within all the families and thenceforth the entire Rwandan community.
