ICT survey report expected next month

KARONGI – The report of a countrywide survey to determine how households use Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), that was conducted two months ago in 900 villages (Midugudu) is expected early next month.

Friday, March 12, 2010

KARONGI – The report of a countrywide survey to determine how households use Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), that was conducted two months ago in 900 villages (Midugudu) is expected early next month.

The survey which was conducted in all the 30 districts was coordinated by the National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (ISAR) and the Rwanda Utility Regulatory Agency (RURA).

According to Jean Claude Mvuyikongo, the national coordinator of RURA, the report will give a clear picture of the extent to which Rwandans have access to science and technology.

"A process of data analysis is currently going on. We hope that by early next month a final report will be made public,” Mvuyikongo told The New Times by telephone yesterday.

The two-phase survey conducted by a team of experts involved a sample of 10 households in each selected village. A standard questionnaire that was developed by the two institutions was used.

In Karongi district, where a sample of 330 households in 33 villages had been selected, it emerged that over 50 percent of all residents owned mobile phones and radios but the use of internet and television was still low.
