Police, Thumbs up!

Editor, I have witnessed the way the police have stepped up their efforts to make our country peaceful and safer. In the wake of the two counts of bomb explosions in Kigali, I see police patrolling everywhere I go. The fact that they are diligent in doing their duty gives me the assurance that no matter what is happening; at least we are safe.

Tuesday, March 09, 2010


I have witnessed the way the police have stepped up their efforts to make our country peaceful and safer. In the wake of the two counts of bomb explosions in Kigali, I see police patrolling everywhere I go. The fact that they are diligent in doing their duty gives me the assurance that no matter what is happening; at least we are safe.

I also read a story yesterday in The New Times about the police emergency phone calls and how some people have actually been helped instantly by the police when they called the emergency line.

I wish that the police could do some more publicizing of the emergency numbers so that every Rwandan can get in touch with them and know of these very important services on their fingertips.

Samson Nkuranga
Kigali, Nyarugenge