CW Membership, good

Editor, Nothing can express the happiness I feel with the current government especially after its milestone achievement of joining the Commonwealth group of nations. As a nation that is developing at a fast rate, the Commonwealth will help Rwanda and its people in advancing their interests in the fields of trade, education and culture.

Tuesday, March 09, 2010


Nothing can express the happiness I feel with the current government especially after its milestone achievement of joining the Commonwealth group of nations.

As a nation that is developing at a fast rate, the Commonwealth will help Rwanda and its people in advancing their interests in the fields of trade, education and culture.

I completely agree with what the President said during the ceremony, when the Rwandan flag was raised at the headquarters of the Commonwealth in London, "We as Rwandese should know that the future of all nations depends on the youth thus we capitalize on the wide range of education and training programmes that the commonwealth provide.”

I also think that the Commonwealth entry is timely, taking in mind the fact that we are now members of the East African Community (EAC), where majority of its member countries are part of the Commonwealth.

I only hope that we Rwandese try and make the best out of this membership, and thank the government for the endless efforts it has put in place to get us into this group of Nations.

Enock Kamatare