Rwandan women celebrate IWD in style

On Sunday night, over 900 women convened at Kigali Serena Hotel to celebrate the International Women’s Day. Celebrations kicked off at 6:00 p.m with the theme: “Umutima w’urugo”  (The Pillar of a Family.) The colourful event attracted several high ranking government officials, dignitaries, and musicians.

Monday, March 08, 2010
Divas performing.

On Sunday night, over 900 women convened at Kigali Serena Hotel to celebrate the International Women’s Day. Celebrations kicked off at 6:00 p.m with the theme:

"Umutima w’urugo”  (The Pillar of a Family.)
The colourful event attracted several high ranking government officials, dignitaries, and musicians.

Traditionally, the concert was opened by curtain raisers. The self-acclaimed Princess Priscilla was first on stage and performed two songs; "Mbabarira”, and her own version of Boys to Men’s, "Mama”.

However, when Miss JoJo, stepped in with her queen dancers performing Beretilida, the crowd was thrilled. Miss Tonzi performed her debut song Humura, and later a range of other upcoming female musicians like Liza followed, keeping the crowd entertained.

After their gigs, a group of legendary traditional divas like; Umwali Fany, Fofo, Tante Susanne and Cecile Kayirebwa entertained the audience.

Cecile Kayirebwa, the Belgium-based Rwandan artist/producer was the evening’s favourite. People of all ages rocked to the locally revered star as they kept screaming her name and asking for more.

Also, a joint performance by all female artists was staged. The women celebrations closed at around midnight.  (All photos by F. Goodman)
