Gakenke school dropouts rounded up

GAKENKE - The local district authorities and security personnel over the weekend raided Gakenke market and rounded up over 350 primary pupils from various schools in district, who had absconded from school. The district authorities said the operation was aimed at halting the increasing number of school drop outs. 

Monday, March 08, 2010

GAKENKE - The local district authorities and security personnel over the weekend raided Gakenke market and rounded up over 350 primary pupils from various schools in district, who had absconded from school.

The district authorities said the operation was aimed at halting the increasing number of school drop outs. 
Some students testified that their parents force them to carry  gooda to the market and help them sell, especially during market days.

"I dropped out of school, because my parents would ask me to attend to market business and go for classes in the evening, but I failed because I could not cope with classes,’’ Sylvie Uwababyeyi, a primary six drop out said.

The district Mayor, Pierre Damien Hakizayezu, revealed that the district advisory council had passed bylaws spelling out punitive measures, including fines to be paid by parents who block their children from attending school.

Speaking to the residents, the Mayor said parents are responsible for the increasing cases of school drop outs.
He advised parents to utilise the opportunity of free education.
