Women’s Day special: Rural women tell stories of success

A Women leader’s perspective of the success stories by rural entrepreneurs Aline Mukabalisa Irambona (2nd Right) an official of the National Women’s Council (CNF) has praised rural women in Muhanga district for their innovativeness and strategies towards development.  She says that the level of development in the 12 sectors that make up the district was impressive and indicates women emancipation.

Sunday, March 07, 2010
Aline Mukabalisa Irambona (2nd Right)

A Women leader’s perspective of the success stories by rural entrepreneurs

Aline Mukabalisa Irambona (2nd Right) an official of the National Women’s Council (CNF) has praised rural women in Muhanga district for their innovativeness and strategies towards development. She says that the level of development in the 12 sectors that make up the district was impressive and indicates women emancipation.

"Most of the women have exhibited the ability to be self-reliant and a significant contribution to their families, without necessarily relying on their husbands. These activities should continue so as to have the role of women in development to be boosted further,” Mukabalisa says.

According to Aline various thriving rural women indicated that their success stories begun with a minimal amount of investment in agriculture and livestock activities and later these women witnessed transformed livelihoods by joining cooperatives.

These women also attributed their success to good leadership, access to bank loans and joining better business networks.

However, they noted that the lack of market and equipment to transform produce into finished products is among their biggest challenge they face. 
