Follow the UNFPA example and give to the flood victims

Editor, Recently, The New Times published some articles about the Rwandan response to the Haitian earthquake. Different initiatives were made to raise funds for the victims of the earthquake and, surprisingly, even students were involved in the fundraising. In fact, students of Green Hills Academy raised one million francs, all by themselves.

Sunday, March 07, 2010


Recently, The New Times published some articles about the Rwandan response to the Haitian earthquake. Different initiatives were made to raise funds for the victims of the earthquake and, surprisingly, even students were involved in the fundraising. In fact, students of Green Hills Academy raised one million francs, all by themselves.

However, it seems to me we are not giving enough to our own. I’m grateful for the United Nation Population Fund (UNFPA) donation of 500 health kits to victims of recent floods in Rubavu district. These kits contained towels, kitenge cloths, blankets, Sosoma, sugar and other material for home use.

Although I’m truly grateful for this UNFPA assistance, I’m wondering when Rwandan civil society will come to the fore and take care of its own.

I’m not saying that we shouldn’t be concerned by what happens outside our borders (we should), however, I think that we must be as generous with our time and money to help fellow citizens.

Amza Tumusiime