Weekend proggie

Amahoro Petit Stade Peace Corps  Volunteers, an American program run by the United States Government, has organised “Mutima Ufasha” concert at Amahoro petit stadium. The concert is aimed at contributying to the shipping costs of 10,000 text books and 42 computers which will be disbursed in the community libraries and schools around Rwanda.

Thursday, March 04, 2010

Amahoro Petit Stade

Peace Corps  Volunteers, an American program run by the United States Government, has organised "Mutima Ufasha” concert at Amahoro petit stadium.

The concert is aimed at contributying to the shipping costs of 10,000 text books and 42 computers which will be disbursed in the community libraries and schools around Rwanda.

It will also showcase Rwanda’s talents, and secluded to perform include: The Ben, The Rain, K8, The Brothers, Urban Boys, Just Family and among others.

Dream Centre

Halleluiah!This serves as an alert to all born-again Christians. Kicukiro will be set on fire today evening, as celebrated gospel musicians, including The New Times’ Eugene Mutara, TPF winner Alpha Rwirangira, and Patrick Nyamitari perform.

The concert organised by "Hindurwa”, is aimed at fundraising money for the orphans and street children. It will take place from 2 p.m till 8 pm, with different events, including sharing lunch with the kids and chatting.

BMH Discotheque

This goes out to the ladies. BHM, a newly established discothèque at Sun City Hotel in Nyamirambo, is hosting a special night for you. Sorry guys, there is nothing free for you. Entrance is Rfw2000, but drinks and other refreshments will offered at affordable prices.

Hotel Mille Collines

Friday: Happy Hour Local Live Band from 5p.m -9p.m

Mama Africa Restaurant

Mama Africa Restaurant at Cadillac discothèque in Kimihurura, serves African and European dishes, and live band.

Crystal View

Crystal View, Top Tower Hotel in Kacyiru, welcomes you with an array of food, drinks and entertainment to suit the different moods of the day.
