Is the Globe and Mail totally shameless?

Editor, I often read international news publications over the Internet to keep abreast with world issue. The website of Canada’s biggest publication, the Globe and Mail, is one that I often peruse through. And usually I enjoy its highbrow journalism; that is until today. The Globe and Mail’s journalist Geoffrey York wrote one of the most misleading and biased pieces of writing I had ever seen outside the Victoire Ingabire’s FDU-Inkingi website.

Wednesday, March 03, 2010


I often read international news publications over the Internet to keep abreast with world issue. The website of Canada’s biggest publication, the Globe and Mail, is one that I often peruse through. And usually I enjoy its highbrow journalism; that is until today.

The Globe and Mail’s journalist Geoffrey York wrote one of the most misleading and biased pieces of writing I had ever seen outside the Victoire Ingabire’s FDU-Inkingi website. In fact, the article looked exactly like a copy-and-paste of her ‘party’s genocide revisionism.

How could the editors at the Globe and Mail not spike this article? It was so full of factual errors that even a primary school child could have poked holes in the article.

Titled "Rwanda’s blood-soaked history becomes a tool for repression”, this piece sounds like a cross between a rant against Rwanda’s peaceful status quo and a leg up to Victoire Ingabire.

I want to register my utter disgust with the article and The Globe and Mail. I hope that the next article that deals with Rwanda will be more nuanced. Shame on you. 

Sam Rwego