Man kills wife after drinking spree

GICUMBI – Police in Gicumbi district are holding 23-year old man who allegedly killed his spouse after a domestic squabble. Etienne Vunabandi, a resident of Kigarama village in Ruvune Sector is said to have hacked to death Joseline Niwemugeni, 24, on Sunday evening. Speaking from the Byumba Police station, Vunabandi admitted to the crime. He explained that his action was the climax of a quarrel over beans and sorghum he had sold without the deceased’s consent.

Wednesday, March 03, 2010
Etienne Vunabandi holding the machete he used to kill his wife at Byumba Police station on Wednesday.

GICUMBI – Police in Gicumbi district are holding 23-year old man who allegedly killed his spouse after a domestic squabble.

Etienne Vunabandi, a resident of Kigarama village in Ruvune Sector is said to have hacked to death Joseline Niwemugeni, 24, on Sunday evening.

Speaking from the Byumba Police station, Vunabandi admitted to the crime. He explained that his action was the climax of a quarrel over beans and sorghum he had sold without the deceased’s consent.

"We begun quarreling over foodstuffs on the fateful day after we had shared local  brew ‘Urwagwa’ in the neighborhood,” he said.

"This prompted me to cut her several times on the head and then chop her hand off with a machete upon arriving at home, which resulted in her death.”

The deceased was buried on Tuesday, leaving behind a son.

Police said Vunabandi’s crime is a capital offence which carries a maximum sentence of life imprisonment, upon conviction.
