Contractor abandons classroom construction

KARONGI – A Karongi-based contractor, Theogene Muganza, is on the run after abandoning the construction of classrooms at a local primary school in Rugabano sector, Karongi district. Sources say Muganza had obtained about Rwf19m out the total Rwf 65m to build 15 classrooms in December 2007at Saint Scholaire Bisusa, but disappeared before the work was completed.

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

KARONGI – A Karongi-based contractor, Theogene Muganza, is on the run after abandoning the construction of classrooms at a local primary school in Rugabano sector, Karongi district.

Sources say Muganza had obtained about Rwf19m out the total Rwf 65m to build 15 classrooms in December 2007at Saint Scholaire Bisusa, but disappeared before the work was completed.

Local authorities confirmed that Muganza had signed a contract with Karongi district local authorities to build the classes. The time frame stipulated in the contract for completion has since expired.

"Even though he had started the construction of all the classrooms at the same time, Muganza failed to beat the time frame and abruptly stopped the work last year,” Cyriaque Niyonsaba, the Executive secretary of Rugabano sector said.

The source added that authorities are considering suing Muganza for breach of contract.

When contacted, the district official in charge of infrastructure, confirmed that Muganza’s case has been reported to the concerned authorities, including the Ministry of Education.
