Rwandans to produce comedies and horror movies

Rwanda Cinema Centre (RCC), has started producing different genres of films, including horrors and comedies. RCC has organised a month long digital filmmaking workshop at the MTN Centre in Nyarutarama, sponsored by the  Swedish International Cooperation Agency (SIDA).  20 Rwandans are undergoing film training. The students have filmed two short movies: “Stalked”  which is  a horror  and “Stressed”,  a comedy.

Wednesday, March 03, 2010
Some of the students during the training.

Rwanda Cinema Centre (RCC), has started producing different genres of films, including horrors and comedies.
RCC has organised a month long digital filmmaking workshop at the MTN Centre in Nyarutarama, sponsored by the  Swedish International Cooperation Agency (SIDA).

20 Rwandans are undergoing film training. The students have filmed two short movies: "Stalked”  which is  a horror  and "Stressed”,  a comedy.

"Stressed” is a short film about a man who had a stressful day, causing him to attempt suicide. An attempt that flops in a spectacular way, while "Stalked” is a movie about a couple who face mysterious happenings in their rented house.

"We want to make the local movie industry more entertaining, by including horror and comedies in our production,” said Pierre L. Kayitana, the Director of Rwanda Cinema Centre /Rwanda Film Festival.

"RCC has previously been producing genocide and human rights documentaries, and many other movies based on sad stories,” Kayitana said.
