La Colombiere risks relocation

KIGALI - La Colombiere, a popular city school, may be relocated, if a demarcation exercise that is is being done by Kigali City Council, identifies the school as being in a risk-area. 

Wednesday, March 03, 2010
REMA boss Dr Rose Mukankomeje with security and KCC officials touring the Kacyiru wetland a day after floods devastated the area. (File Photo)

KIGALI - La Colombiere, a popular city school, may be relocated, if a demarcation exercise that is is being done by Kigali City Council, identifies the school as being in a risk-area. 

Last week, REMA instructed KCC to relocate all people and structures in the Kacyiru wetland, Kamutwa cell in Kigugu village where La Colombiere is also situated.

The area witnessed a heavy downpour that left three dead and hundreds homeless.

Speaking to The New Times, Kigali City vice Mayor in charge of Finance and Economic Development, Alphonse Nizeyimana, said that the wetland boundaries are being demarcated and all those who will fall within the boundary will be relocated.

"It’s more likely that all those in that affected area might be relocated, but currently we are demarcating the wetland boundaries there. If La Colombiere falls in those boundaries it will be relocated like others.” Nizeyimana said.

"But the principle is that all those in wetlands have to vacate.” He however, said that areas to relocate them are yet to be identified.

The school is sandwiched between Glory Secondary School and several garages which have already been lined up for relocation.

An official at La Colombiere, who preferred anonymity said that the relocation subject has been a hot topic between local authorities and the parents.

"We have heard of the relocation and it has raised many questions among the parents,” the official said.

"We can not answer these questions right now because no one has come to us to tell us about it,”

"We had refused to operate in this area previously when they relocated us here but authorities insisted that it’s the only place they had”

"So if they want to relocate us, they will have to consider we have a land title, which means they will have to refund us and get us another place.”

The school, which has nursery, Primary and Secondary sections currently accommodates over 1,300 students.
