Voter list update starts at low pace in Muhanga District

MUHANGA – The turn up of residents for the ongoing voter register  update in Muhanga district has been remarkably low, according to Drocella Mukazayire, an official of the National Electoral Commission (NEC) in the district. The exercise that kicked off on Monday will continue until March 21 at village level countrywide.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

MUHANGA – The turn up of residents for the ongoing voter register  update in Muhanga district has been remarkably low, according to Drocella Mukazayire, an official of the National Electoral Commission (NEC) in the district.

The exercise that kicked off on Monday will continue until March 21 at village level countrywide.

There are 176,214 eligible voters in Muhanga, who are expected to participate in the forthcoming presidential elections.

"The turn up in the town centres, especially Nyamabuye sector, has been very low. We hope that the local leaders can step up their mobilisation efforts,”Mukazayire remarked.

The exercise involves among other things cross-checking names and photos on the lists. Residents are asked to use their National Identifications and previous voter cards to verify their eligibility.

NEC officials have urged local leaders to encourage residents to participate fully in a bid to enable citizens to take part in the up coming elections.
