Newly constructed classrooms in Kamonyi commissioned

KAMONYI – The State Minister for Local Government, Christine Nyatanyi yesterday commissioned 100 classrooms constructed under the Nine Year Basic Education Program (9YBE) in Kamonyi district. Commissioningthe classroom blocks in Runda sector, Nyatanyi promised continuous support to the education sector in the district and encouraged students to study hard in pursuit of academic success.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

KAMONYI – The State Minister for Local Government, Christine Nyatanyi yesterday commissioned 100 classrooms constructed under the Nine Year Basic Education Program (9YBE) in Kamonyi district.

Commissioningthe classroom blocks in Runda sector, Nyatanyi promised continuous support to the education sector in the district and encouraged students to study hard in pursuit of academic success.

MP Alphonsine Mukarugema, called on residents to develop the culture of initiating development projects aimed at fighting poverty.

At least 100 classrooms, worth Rwf77million, were constructed in five months in the district. Runda sector was credited for completing the construction works on time, according to Jacques Rutsinga, the district Mayor.

"In five months Kamonyi residents completed 100 classrooms and the academic year started smoothly,” he said.

Residents contributed over Rwf 30 million while other sources such as Kamonyi Network brought in Rwf5.4m and the education program contributed Rwf 40m while Garuka Ushime Student’s alumni-contributed Rwf2.9m.
