LISA'S ADVENTURES : Nature needs to be appreciated

An episode in the cartoon movie, The Lion King lingered in Lisa’s mind.  She could not stop thinking about little Simba’s amazement when his father, King Mufasa showed him their Kingdom. “Every thing the light touches belong to our Kingdom,” said Mufasa. His eyes spackling with amazement, Simba’s only reply was, “Woww…”

Monday, March 01, 2010

An episode in the cartoon movie, The Lion King lingered in Lisa’s mind.  She could not stop thinking about little Simba’s amazement when his father, King Mufasa showed him their Kingdom.

"Every thing the light touches belong to our Kingdom,” said Mufasa. His eyes spackling with amazement, Simba’s only reply was, "Woww…”

"Perhaps Simba was stunned by the beautiful nature of their kingdom. Dusk was falling on the wonderfully tall trees and animals of all kinds were hopping around. The Pride rock stood out,” Lisa narrated to her big Sister.

Determined, the two sisters planned to sneak out of the house at night to look at the stars in the sky just like Simba did one night.  "We should first ask for mum’s permission,” said Lisa’s sister.

Lisa dismissed her sister’s suggestion because she was very sure their mother would never let them out of the house after 6:00 p.m. The only option left was to escape.

After a series of failed attempts, Lisa and her sister finally got outside the house. The view was beautiful. They lay on the grass, heads facing upwards; they looked at the bright full moon amidst the stars.

"Wow, it’s like a big silver spoon,” the two girls said in unison.  They made wish to the beautiful stars.

"I want to get promoted to grade six,” Lisa’s sister wished. But Lisa’s only wish was about nature; how she loved the surroundings; she loved the trees, the flowers, the stars and everything.

"I promise to be an advocate for the environment wherever I go,” Lisa said.

"And how has this come about,” asked the sister.
Lisa explained her passion for nature. She loved green. No wonder it was her favourite colour. Lisa explained to her sister the benefits that surround being an environmentalist.

"If it wasn’t for nature, we would all be history,” Lisa said. Lisa told her sister that people got rainfall because of trees, oceans and lakes. Their vapour forms the clouds that give rain.

"No wonder nature is a tourist attraction. I would give all to go visit pride rock,” said Lisa.

Slowly peeping into the house, the girls discovered that their mother had been watching and listening to their conversation.

"Before Pride rock, I will give you a ride to Akagera National Park so that you can see real lions,” their mother promised.
